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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

All You Need To Know About The Bass Fish

By Chris Douglas

All over the world, no matter where you are or where you look, you will inevitably find the haunts of the bass fish found in all kinds of watery places like a remote freshwater lake or stream, small ponds and even the ocean itself. Long time studies have shown that bass fishing is the most popular type of sport fishing and for two good reasons; bass fish are fun to catch and make for great eating.

The word "bass" comes down to us from the Middle English word "bars" which literally in olden times meant "perch". The scientific name of the order that the bass fish belong to is Perciformes translated means "perch-like" fish; and the members of this order are divided into two main divisions of freshwater and marine fish depending on which type of water they prefer. They will quite often be found swimming in groups and that group terminology is called a shoal.

There a numerous types of bass fish found in all sorts of watery environments; from small streams and remote ponds and lakes, to the ocean itself. The two main types of bass are referred to as temperate basses and black basses of the scientific family Moronidae. The temperate basses are the striped bass and the white bass; while the black bass group contains the largemouth bass, small mouth, Guadalupe, and spotted bass.

When people speak of bass fish, they are not just talking about the fish that fall under the main bass groups; they are also including a lot of kinds of fish that are similar to the bass, but are not technically part of the scientific group. Those kinds referred to by anglers as bass include black sea bass, giant sea bass and the Australian bass.

Bass fishing is the most popular game fishing sport without a doubt, and there are legions of anglers who would attest to that. A whole industry has built up around the bass fish, and there are hundreds upon hundreds of online websites where you can go to get any bit of information you want about the world of bass fishing or join a forum to talk with other bass fishermen; as well as specialty sports stores that specialize in the sport. There are all kinds of boats designed just for bass fishing, lures, equipment, recreational lodges built near bodies of water that support bass---the list is endless.

Boats are a main component in bass fishing, and depending on your tastes and your wallet there is a bass boat for you. The average sized bass boat is found in the range of 16 to 26feet, and is made up of aluminum or fiberglass and you must have an electric trolling motor on the bow; this is required by law. The types of boats are hundreds and include electric boats, flat boats, and jon boats---all kinds of boats that would be used for chasing the elusive bass fish.

Bass fishing claims more people that follow and participate in the sport than any other form of sport fishing, and it is no wonder when you think of the variety of experiences that you can have just by getting yourself outfitted and literally head for the hills with gear in hand and boat at the ready. The fun ranges from just lazing away the hours on your boat in a secluded waterway somewhere to actively fighting with a bass fish that takes your hook and provides a little excitement jumping in and out of the water.

About the Author:

Chris Douglas publishes and discusses issues regarding bass fishing eBook. For more information on Fishing Knots visit our site.

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